Enterprise-Grade Tech Transfer Management for Universities

Enterprise-grade tech transfer management for universities

Have all of your data in one place and platform costs reduced by 90%.

Hero Graphic: Dashboards on grey blob backdrop Hero Graphic: Dashboards on grey blob backdrop

TTO managed like a Fortune 500 company.

Story Graphic: Shows annual cost of $50k, only fields being customizable and a frowny face. Story Graphic: Shows annual cost of $50k, only fields being customizable and a frowny face.

Once upon a time, tech transfer offices were overlooked.

As corporate enterprise software advanced at lightning speed, tech transfer offices were often neglected, considered more of a bureaucratic obstacle than a priority. The result? Higher costs for less freedom and outdated software.

Affordable enterprise software is the only way forward.

It’s time to break through the constraints of traditional TTO management software in order to gain the same level of flexibility and scalability enjoyed by Fortune 500 companies.

Story Graphic: Shows annual cost reduction of at least 50%, customization only being limited by imagination and a smiley face. Story Graphic: Shows annual cost reduction of at least 50%, customization only being limited by imagination and a smiley face.
Unemed Logo

It’s rare to find things that are twice as good for half the price, but Uneforce fits the bill. We’ve been using this the last ten years to manage our office and it’s made a night-and-day difference from previous systems we used.


Quotation Mark

Let’s level the playing field

IP Management

Track inventors, disclosures, and funding

Manage agreements, office actions and more

Individualized record layouts

Ability to completely customize data structures and their relationships

Create completely custom workflows to automate repetitive tasks


Manage leads, contacts and accounts

Plan, execute and manage campaigns

One-button agreement creation

Track interactions through opportunities


Office action/workflow notifications

Custom reporting across all data objects

Display, export to pdf or email reports

Custom dashboards for every type of user (including managers)

Calculate financial projections based on obligations

Automatically notify inventors of events related to their IP

We put the limits of your potential back in your hands


Fully customizable (easily build whole workflows instead of just custom fields)


Enterprise-grade security (used by Fortune 100 companies)


Pre-built automation (simplify workflow from the start)